We're Glad You're here!!!!

At Faith Church we believe it is our job to love God whole heartedly, love others unconditionally, and to build a bridge connecting the two. 

Please make plans to join us Sunday mornings at 10:45 am for our Sunday ministry experience located at 2817 E 53rd St, Anderson.  We also offer an online experience that you can view during our 10:45 service. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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  • List Item

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              Click the image to watch our latest service

Upcoming events

  • christmas at the towers

    on December 18th we will be delivering gift bags of food to the residents of the Southdale Towers. This is an opportunity to serve those in our community that are some of our most vulnerable. Make plans to join us at the church at 6:45pm on December 18.

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  • Give Hope To Kids

    Sunday December 8th we will begin  filling backpacks up with gifts for the orphans in Honduras at the Give Hope to Kids orphanage. Stop by the info center and pick up a card representing a child and what they hope to RECEIVE. Fill the backpack up with gifts and return. When our team travels to Honduras at the end of january they will deliver the BACKPACKS filled with gifts. This is a wonderful opportunity to make an impact on our world.

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  • faith family Christmas

    Make plans to join us on dec 22 at 10:45am for our christmas celebration. we can't wait to

    see  you then.

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We Would Love to see you join us

and become a part of the Faith Church Family