We're Glad You're here!!!!

At Faith Church we believe it is our job to love God whole heartedly, love others unconditionally, and to build a bridge connecting the two. 

Please make plans to join us Sunday mornings at 10:45 am for our Sunday ministry experience located at 2817 E 53rd St, Anderson.  We also offer an online experience that you can view during our 10:45 service. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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              Click the image to watch our latest service

Featured Events

  • Sisterhood Weekend

    Calling all ladies. The faith Church sisterhood will be hosting our annual sisterhood weekend on sept. 13-14. friday night at 6:45 is the freedom night and is free to everyone. saturday is the sisterhood retreat from 10a - 3p and cost $12 dollars. Tickets can be PURCHASED on SUNDAY morning or wednesday nights at the church info CENTER. make plans to join us for this awesome event.

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  • Baptism sunday

    Sunday september 15th directly following our ministry time will be an interest and info meeting for all those that would like to participate in our upcoming baptismal service. for more information or to sign up for the meeting you can contact pastor carl through the link below.


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  • Fall Community Groups

    Our fall semester of Community Groups is kicking off. Community groups are the best way to get connected and build relationships here at faith church. If you would like to see all the groups available you can check them out here.


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  • Serve Day

    on Saturday, September 21, beginning at 9:30 a.m., Faith Church will be hosting a “Serve Day.”  

    we have seven different serve opportunites scheduled for that day all over madison county.Please use the link below to get more information and to sign up for an outreach on that day.


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  • World Focus day

    sunday september 22 faith church will be hosting our annual "world focus Day". This is a great day where we get to celebrate all that God is doing through faith church all around the world. there will be baptisms, ministry celebration, and fellowship following our ministry time in the parking lot with international food trucks. You don't want to miss this!!

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We Would Love to see you join us

and become a part of the Faith Church Family